Prejudice // ˈprejədəs //

We would like to start with the definition and our own point of view regarding prejudice. To discriminate means to set apart something that ...

We would like to start with the definition and our own point of view regarding prejudice. To discriminate means to set apart something that is different. It is something that helps us to make sense of the world. We can distinguish between light and dark, male and female, big and small and so on. 

Prejudice is making a decision, or jumping to a conclusion before hearing both sides of the argument. A kangaroo court is one that has already decided that the accused is guilty because they have prejudged the matter and are not prepared to make any allowance for the possibility of innocence. 

Should one happen to discriminate on account of his prejudice that is really neither here nor there. The problem arises when the prejudice is accepted as true without question. This attitude has left some people considerably disadvantaged in some societies. 

To some extent a certain amount of discriminatory prejudice prevails in all societies. It is probably the basis of the English Class system.

Not long ago, a friend of us asked, "why Muslims liked to cut off their enemies’ heads?" We are very sure that 93.7% of human population cant answer that kind of question. The saddest part of that question is the word Muslims itself in the question. 

Most people we know would never stereotype or judge others by the color of their skin, their race or their religion but one thing for sure in Malaysia, everybody wants a white/ fair skin thus came out these numerous numbers of beauty products. 

We believe that people of this new generation can start thinking outside the box and most importantly looking at something in a whole new perspective. You wanna know who created stereotypes and prejudice ? The media both reflects and creates stereotypes ! Because of a few bad examples, all of us have to suffer from sometimes barely-concealed condescension.

And racism breeds racism; some people only know to respond to hate with even more hate.

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